Building Your Dreams

About Us

Triangle Designs is a construction company based in Nilambur having a strong reliable team of Civil engineers architects , business and site management division and skilled laborers, with a long experience in private and public sector. The passion, right skill, experty, timely deliver and approach make us unique among others.

We worth your time, effort and money. The trust and goodwill endowed to us by our worthy clients are the strong pillars that support us as well as make us one of the rising builders.

Our Services

"We Build your Dreams Together"


Planning is the most importent part in construction. For that we have the best and experienced professionals with us.


The strength of a design lies as much in the steps taken to create it as in the final result.


A consultant in a construction project must do the following to serve the client: The consultant must provide guidance and advice on setting up a project.


You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it requires people to make the dream a reality.


Renovating not only restores the house but restores the story of the home.


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